Danielle Newnham Podcast

Adam Wiggins on Community, Creativity and Improving Computing

Episode Summary

Adam Wiggins on why he is working to improve computers in service of human creativity and prosperity

Episode Notes

Today’s guest Adam Wiggins, probably most well known for being co-founder of Heroku – a platform as a service that enables developers to build, run, and operate applications in the cloud.

On his website, Adam describes himself as someone who is working to improve computers in service of human creativity and prosperity which I love and this is very much a theme that weaves its way throughout our conversation. 

Adam’s current focus is on Muse - a tool for thought app that was spun out of his research lab – Ink And Switch. Currently for iPad, Adam tells me it will be launching on Mac soon and then mobile.

Adam is also a startup investor and advisor and co-hosts the Metamuse podcast with Muse co-founder Mark McGranaghan.

In our interview today, Adam and I discuss his childhood fascination with computers, how, as an introvert, he fell in love with designing software products and how we should all be asking ourselves how can we put more effort into making computers and the internet somewhere that really improves humanity's most important noble pursuits such as art and science, as well as our mental and physical health?

Adam was humble and generous with his time for which I am grateful and I think there are lots of lessons we can all learn from this conversation.

I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did.


Adam Twitter / website / Ink & Switch / Muse / Metamuse Podcast / Heroku

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